Forum: 2022 Test Rule 18 - Revision 1 (May 2022)

Sail Canada/Voile Canada has approved the use of World Sailing Development Rule DR22-01 Rule 18 (relocated post - Ang)

Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
(Forum Mod Note:  I've relocated this post to its own thread to make it easy for people to see.)

As originally posted by Rick Hatch below:

Pursuant to its prescription to Racing Rule of Sailing (RRS) 86.3, Sail Canada/Voile Canada has approved the use of World Sailing Development Rule DR22-01 Rule 18, the preamble to Section C, and the definition Mark-Room, for sailing events being held in Canada during the period May 15 to July 15, 2022, by those organizing authorities who choose to use it.

Sail Canada's letter approving use of World Sailing Development Rule DR22-01 in Canada, including the text of DR22-01 in English and translated into French, may be found at:

Rick Hatch, IJ/NU (CAN)
chair, Sail Canada Racing Rules Committee

Created: 22-May-25 17:43


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