Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Rules about "via ZOOM Protest Hearings" ?

Catalan Benaros
Hi friends.
Where can i find info about  Protest Hearings via ZOOM ?

Thanks !!!!
Created: 24-Jul-01 08:06


Matt Bounds
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Race Officer
Section C.13 of the World Sailing Judges Manual has recommendations for the conduct of remote (ZOOM) hearings . .
Created: 24-Jul-01 13:00
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Catalan, US Sailing also put together a document that might be of help.

US Sailing Guidelines for Online Hearings

PS: When I scribe an online hearing, I make sure I document that fact, in the procedural notes as well as if all participants had both audio/video.  I do the same for inperson hearings when a party, witness or a judge "FaceTimed in". 
Created: 24-Jul-02 10:59
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