Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

R29.1 Individual Recalls

Mike Forbes
  • National Judge
R29.1 Individual Recall says nothing about a boat having crossed the Start Line from pre start to course side , merely that "part of the hull is on the course side...." at the Starting Signal.   
So what about the scenario where a boat is arriving late at the start area from the COURSE side for a (very) late start, and is well up the course side heading to the line,  obviously intending to race, but has never been in the "race area"  .  Should there be an individual recall if the boat has never been on the prestart side of the line or its extension and is some way up the course?

Secondly, what about a situation where a boat has crossed the line incorrectly with the previous class, so at its correct start it is well up (5 mins) the course side?   Should there be an individual recall?
Created: 24-Jul-27 16:24


Michael Butterfield
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Judge
  • International Umpire
  • International Race Officer
yes there should be a recall.
2. possibly but probably better to just put DNS

The problem with doing the correct thing, signalling the recall is that the boats look to see who was over and boats may return thinking it was them.

Possibly better to do nothing, and as the boats were obviously over, vigorously challenge any redress call (if any), saying they must have been aware they were over.

Created: 24-Jul-27 17:23
John Christman
Nationality: United States
  • Club Race Officer
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
I agree with Michael.  Technically, there should be an individual recall in both cases, rule 29.1 says 'shall'.  However, I believe it is best practice to not signal an individual recall if that will confuse the boats that are actually starting at the time.

If the late boat wants redress, the obvious question is whether they knew that they were OCS when the starting signal was made.  If they answer yes and didn't return then they have broken rule 2.
Created: 24-Jul-27 22:24
John Allan
Nationality: Australia
  • National Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
Long discussion about ' situation where a boat has crossed the line incorrectly with the previous class' in this thread  Multi Fleet Mixup and Scoring

I said: 

I think it would be nice if we had a rule or case or RMM guidance saying that a boat that does not start and does not sail in the area on the pre-start side of the starting line in the period between her Warning or Preparatory Signal and her Starting Signal should be scored DNS, not OCS.  That would achieve consistency.  But we don't have that guidance.

In the approaching starting area from the course side, I don't think it's likely that the boat is not in the racing area:  'racing area' is required to be stated in NOR/SI, and in my experience is usually widely stated, 'waters of Port Jackson' etc.  She is in the racing area, Part 2 applies.

Initially she is not in the starting area, but eventually she will be so she should not be scored DNC.

I think the redress line of argument is useful:  OCS, DNS, omission of individual recall:  all same score, no significant worsening, no redress.
Created: 24-Jul-27 23:41
Mike Forbes
  • National Judge
Thanks for the above …. 
Created: 24-Aug-01 16:32
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